Travel Pono
Travel Pono
Use Public Transportation: When you take advantage of O‘ahu’s public transit system and other sustainable means of transportation, it means fewer gas fueled automobiles on our roads which results in less pollution and a smaller carbon footprint.
Drive with Aloha: When/if you must rent a car, ask the company if they offer EVs (electric vehicles) or hybrid vehicles to reduce your carbon footprint. Kindly show aloha on the road while driving. Express your appreciation by waving or giving the shaka sign (friendly gesture with thumb and pinky extended with middle three fingers curled) when other drivers let you merge into their lanes. Refrain from honking unless necessary as it is considered rude across Hawai‘i. Only park in designated areas and follow all local laws. If sightseeing by car and driving slowly, pull off to the side safely to let others pass instead of slowing down traffic.
Engage with the Host Culture and History: Whether visiting a museum, hiking the backcountry with a Native Hawaiian guide, planting endangered native trees, or taking a hula lesson, immersing yourself in ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i — Native Hawaiian language, history, culture, and heritage — shows respect.
Use Reusable Water Bottles and Utensils: Bringing or buying reusable water bottles and utensils cuts down on plastic use and waste.
Respect Wildlife: Hawai‘i is known as the “endangered species capital of the world.” Please respect all wildlife and enjoy them from an appropriate viewing distance. Close interactions with humans can lead to stress, behavioral change, and possibly dangerous interactions for wildlife. Sea turtles, monk seals, dolphins, and whales are wild marine species protected under state and federal laws. For their protection and mainly your safety, never touch or feed marine animals, which is prohibited under federal law. For more information, visit NOAA-Wildlife-Viewing.
Support Sustainable Dining: Plastic pollution is harming our oceans and marine life, impacting the protected endangered species and the seafood we consume. The Surfrider Foundations Ocean Friendly Restaurants program enables local eateries to help in the fight to eliminate plastic pollution and help shift our food chain to more sustainable choices. Find ocean friendly eateries here.