Have a fun afternoon at
Just Live! Zipline Tours & Outdoor Gear Store in
Līhuʻe. Not only does this location offer rappelling, they also have seven ziplines and a canopy sky bridge. Soar 60 feet above the ground and fly over a canopy rich with eucalyptus trees, bamboo, native plants and bird life. Ecology narratives are included in every tour.
Discover panoramic ocean and mountain views with
CLIMB Works Keana Farms Zipline. In addition to two rappel options, this North Shore destination also features eight dual ziplines and four sky bridges. They also offer a three-hour guided tour that includes an ATV ride and a tasting of local fruits. For a full day of activity, try
Coral Crater Adventure Park. This 35-acre outdoor adventure center, located in West
Oʻahu, has six ziplines, an aerial adventure tower, two 50-foot climbing walls, a king swing, a freefall, rappelling, tactical laser gun shooting and ATVs.